Oregon FFA Alumni Council Cooks Up Support for Ag Advisors

There are hundreds of ways to show people you care about them and appreciate what they do. And like so many FFA Alumni, we do a lot of cooking to show how much we care. This time it was the Oregon FFA Alumni Council cooking for our ag teachers!

Strengthening ties and supporting ag advisors is a key component of the Oregon FFA Alumni’s mission:
“Ensure the future of agricultural, career and technical education through the support of students and advisors.”

This priority was affirmed when the Oregon Alumni Council members provided the main dinner for almost 100 Oregon ag advisors at their annual Summer Conference.

Oregon’s Council members have consciously put time and energy into maintaining a strong working relationship with the ag teachers in our great state. And it has paid off tremendously. The relationships and connections we are building are strong. Those ag programs that do not enjoy the benefits of having an Alumni are seeing first-hand how the programs with strong Alumni relationships are thriving. As they say “a picture (or real-life example) is worth a 1,000 words!”

For fun, the Council members challenged themselves to a pork rib cook-off. The judges – all the ag teachers – voted for the best ribs, not knowing who cooked what! It was close but, President-Elect Rod Cockeram’s secret sauce beat out President Neal Lucht’s private recipe. We had a little extra fun, sneaking in an entry of cold turkey dogs on behalf of Past President Mr. Bob Barton adding plenty of laughter to the evening.

It is a joy to spend time with the hardworking ag teachers and do what we can to ease their burden.
Oregon FFA Alumni Coucil!

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